Zone 3 – July
Strike King and Lew’s Pro John Garrett lets us in on his tips and tricks for Zone 3 in July.
“By the time you get to June and July in Zone 3, you really start seeing most of your quality fish fully migrating to deeper water. But by July, the fish are going to be more spread out in terms of their location,” shares Garrett. While there will not be as many holding spots, the areas that are holding fish will have them in greater concentration. So, keep fishing and you’ll find them, Garrett advises. “You can work an entire area for an hour without a bite and then you'll run into a bunch of them schooled up together,” says Garrett.
“Towards the end of July and into the fall, you start seeing those fish that were out in the 25-foot range being to move shallower into the 13- to 18-foot range. I'm targeting ledges that provide ideal ambush points with current, as well as any sort of cover that could include brush piles, rock piles, or stumps on the river channel,” states Garrett.

BAIT 1: Strike King Pro Model 6XD Hard Knock Crankbait
Garrett reaches for the Pro Model 6XD Hard Knock Crankbait when fishing near ledges, rocks, or stumps.
If the water is clear, Garrett prefers the Olive Shad. In stained water, he switches to the TN Shad 2.0. For muddy water, Garrett will favor a Blue Back Chartreuse.

BAIT 2: Strike King Rage Cut-R Worm 7" with Texas Rig
If fish are holding near ledges, rocks, stumps, or brush piles, Garrett reaches for a Texas Rigged Magnum Rage Cut-R Worm 7".
Garrett’s choice for clear water is the Plum, while he opts for Red Bug if the water is stained. In muddy water, Garrett reaches for Black N Blue.

BAIT 3: Strike King Bottom Dweller Spinnerbait 1 oz
The Bottom Dweller Spinnerbait 1 oz is Garrett’s top choice when fish are near ledges, rock, stumps, or brush piles.
He opts for the Blue Shad in clear water, and switches to White if the water is stained. Garrett reaches for the Chartreuse/White in muddy water.

BAIT 4: Strike King Tour Grade Football Jig 1/2 oz with a Rage Craw trailer
Garrett reaches for a Tour Grade Football Jig 1/2 oz with a Rage Craw trailer when he is fishing near ledges, rocks, stumps, and brush piles.
If the water is clear, he will throw a Green Pumpkin, while more stained water calls for the Amber Green Black. In muddy water, Garrett grabs a Black Blue Flake.

BAIT 5: Strike King KVD Finesse Worm 6.5"
Using the drop shot technique, Garrett fishes near ledges, rocks, stumps, and brush piles with the KVD Finesse Worm 6.5".
He opts for Plum in clear water. If the water is stained, he will throw the Tequila Sunrise Orange Flake, while he will switch to a Black Blue Swirl if the water is muddy.