Zone 2 – October
Strike King pro Todd Faircloth calls out a few key factors when fishing in Zone 2 during October.
“In October, you will find that most of the lakes in Zone 2 will be below normal pool elevation with water temps in the 70's,” shares Faircloth. With changing water conditions, Faircloth expects to see bass start transitioning to shallower vegetation. “The fish will start their fall migration into the creeks. Look for the shad and schooling activity and fish whatever cover is available – grass, pads, wood, or rock in 3- to 10-feet,” advises Faircloth.

Tour Grade Spinnerbait
BAIT 1: Strike King Tour Grade Spinnerbait
If the water is clear, Faircloth prefers Mouse. In stained water, he switches to Spot Remover. For muddy water, he will favor Chartreuse White.
Crafted to travel through heavy cover with ease, Strike King’s Tour Grade Spinnerbait has a weight forward head design, light wire frame, and Gamakatsu® hook.

Strike King KVD Splash Topwater
BAIT 2: Strike King KVD Splash Topwater
Faircloth’s choice for clear water is the Clear Ghost Sexy Shad, while he opts for Chrome Sexy Shad if the water is stained. Bone is Faircloth’s first option in muddy conditions.
The KVD Splash is the perfect balance of spitting, chugging and walking to entice topwater strikes. Splash features premium components, feather enhanced rear treble hook, 3D eyes, ultra-realistic paint jobs and strike-inducing action.

KVD Sexy Frog
BAIT 3: Strike King KVD Sexy Frog
He opts for Bullfrog in clear water, and switches to Pearl White if the water is stained. Faircloth goes for Black in muddy water.
Designed and approved by Kevin VanDam for open water and heavy cover applications, Strike King’s KVD Sexy Frog features a sealed nose, which minimizes water entry, and a free-floating rattle to create the noise needed to get those lunkers' attention.

Hybrid Hunter
BAIT 4: Strike King Hybrid Hunter
If the water is clear, he will throw Clearwater Minnow, while more stained water calls for Oyster. When fishing in low-vis conditions, Faircloth opts for Chartreuse Black.
Strike King’s Hybrid Hunter has an incredibly loud rattle system and travels through grass better than any other hard bait.

Tour Grade Buzzbait
BAIT 5: Strike King Tour Grade Buzzbait
He opts for Sexy Blue Herring in clear water. If the water is stained, he will throw Chartreuse White, while he will switch to Black if the water is muddy.
Strike King’s Tour Grade Buzzbait is made with premium components, such as a sculpted quick-planing head and an exclusive Gamakatsu® hook, making it a go-to in Faircloth’s lineup.